Friday, October 26, 2012

Sisyphean efforts to become a more generally positive person continue.  Lying down for a moment:  cataloguing people/things the general popular appeal of which genuinely baffles me (as opposed to the Rob Lowe thing) and why:

1.  Tony Bennett.  Gravelly voice, unpolished delivery, no charisma whatsoever
2.  Barbra Streisand.  Nasal voice that sounds to me like nails on chalkboard, affected delivery, no charisma whatsoever
3.  Ryan Gosling.  This one really makes me question my existence, my out-of-step-with-everyone-else-ness is so extreme.  Forget his err fitness which is not my type and of no interest to me subjectively/personally - that people find his face GOOD LOOKING is more mysterious to me than the universe.  He looks like Guy Smiley.  I agree with him that he is weird looking.  Bonus: he has a terrible voice.  I think I'm really prejudiced about voices.  I hope he retires soon so I can stop hearing about and seeing him everywhere nonstop.

Feeble stab at balancing things out - the opposite:
1.  Jane Krakowski.  Have seen her live several times and that she is not an international superstar of at least Lady Gaga degree is inexplicable and a moral outrage.  Quadruple threat- can act, can sing, can dance, and is funny as poo.  Jenna Maroney may be a cartoon character but she (Jane) sells out so hard it's almost frightening.  I will never forget her delivery and body language on "MY NIECE DREW A PICTURE OF ME AND I LOOK SO FAT!"
2.  Jay Baruchel.  Good actor and super winsome.  I may be biased.

*exhausted from effort, lies back down*

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