Quite happily not working. Watching Louie pilot. Having only seen this season's premiere which was just okay, the reason for the fuss is clearer now. LOLs everywhere, especially the opening standup for the second act:
"It's hard to really look at someone and go 'Maybe something nice will
happen'. I know too much about life to have any optimism. I know even if
it's nice, it's going to lead to shit. I know if you smile at somebody
and they smile back, you've just decided something shitty is going to
happen. You might have a nice couple of dates but then she'll stop
calling you back and that'll feel shitty. Or you'll date for a long time
and then she'll have sex with one of your friends or you will with one
of hers and that will be shitty. Or you'll get married and it won't work
out and you'll get divorced and split your friends and money and that's
horrible. Or you'll meet the perfect person who you love infinitely and
you even argue well and you grow together and you have children and
then you get old together and then SHE'S GONNA DIE. That's the best case scenario, that you're gonna lose your best friend and then just walk home from
D'Agostino's with heavy bags every day and wait for your turn to be
nothing also."
"HELLO?? ...Please keep it down out here, because I'm not wearing any clothing, and your yelling is making me feel vulnerable." I CRIED
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