Saturday, November 10, 2012

OK, renewed my understanding of why I hate facebook:

1: logged in for first time in months (years?) and was greeted mostly by pictures of, like, my college friend's wife who hates me's hometown (?) friend's neighbor's landscaping. Not exaggerating- real example- that's the first thing I saw. In that sequence, my interest level had plummeted to "statistically insignificant" by "C's wife". This kind of waste of my time and attention irritates me to what I acknowledge is probably a more-than-average degree.

2: which reminds me how selfish and impatient I am, & makes me realize how little I like (or care about) humanity in the abstract (other than those in need). I don't enjoy this.

3: the new layout looks like a 13 year old's myspace circa 2007. IT HURTS MY EYES.

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