Saturday, December 22, 2012

Work forced us onto iPhone. I will say the resolution on this thing makes my ipad look like original Super Mario Bros. However, why can't I:

- Phone: paste a phone number into keypad
- Messages: Call / FaceTime / view Contact (Call, at minimum) from the bottom of the thread, not the top
- Messages: "mark as unread" (ideally on an individual-message basis, but to be able to do it for even the entire conversation would be better than the current nothing)
- autocorrect: manipulate the dictionary, ideally on a word-by-word basis (apparently "borking", "bothing", "neithrr" and "coprorate" are such real words that they cannot be dislodged even by repeated dictionary resets)
- Calendar: delete an appointment with, at most, two touches
- Phone: set to make all calls anonymous/blocked (instead of having to *67 as though it's 1990)
- Calendar: make appts private on an individual-appt basis

These last two especially are the kind of enterprise-unfriendly nonsense that keeps this device from taking over corporations, IMO.

adding: JavaScript just craps out for no reason, a lot.

Keeping this list here to periodically research for tips/apps/improvements.

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