Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tim was even more freaking fantastic than usual today. Lot of gulping in that room.

He mentioned in passing how the word "affection" is 'of course' related to "affected". I NEVER NOTICED THIS BEFORE. I even checked and he's right: both from L., to have something done to one, to be acted upon. So there's a curious passivity to it: you've been acted UPON and affection is a RESPONSE, in a sense being of less agency than it appears. (It also therefore doesn't necessarily have the lukewarm, 'something less than, or in any case not quite the same thing as, love' quality that I think it currently connotes.) Beautiful obvious corollary there. Strengthened and supported my current reading of Searching for God Knows What in which, though I don't agree with everything he says, his emphasis on God's relationalness is hitting me hard just right and I'M STARTING TO FEEL AS THOUGH SOMEONE PERHAPS IS TRYING TO TELL ME SOMETHING HM IF ONLY I COULD FIGURE OUT WHAT.

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