Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Watched Fantastic Mr. Fox several times in a row recently. How does it just keep getting better. How does he pull off this level of Whimsy without being cloying/irritating (at least to me). It's the tiniest details that I love best... Kylie's "He went bananas!" is EXACTLY like Wes' "I needed those!" [about the birds] in his AmEx commercial, and Owen Wilson's "That'd be annoying" demurral that just about killed me in "The Darjeeling Limited": so mild, dry to the point of barely being there, and the timing so bizarro and "off" and yet at the same time exquisitely right and fall-down hilarious -- every bit as distinctive and unmistakably 'him' as all his visual idiosyncrasies. And Ash's body language throughout... better physical acting than most live humans. He's like Mozart, just blithely striding into and absolutely, instantly mastering a new field without any apparent effort.

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